Asher Laub presents: “Subtle Pulse” (featuring Porter Singer)

Asher Laub releases "Subtle Pulse" with Porter Singer

Asher Laub is a violinist whose music is a dynamic combination of genres and influences, and listeners can always expect edgy and unique vibes.

The most recent release, “Subtle Pulse,” is a perfect example of what Asher Laub has to offer in terms of instrumental excellence and willingness to collaborate with others to expand his sound further. In this case, he teamed up with singer-songwriter Porter Singer to bring a new dimension to this song. The new work combines instrumental violin music’s sophistication with pop’s melodic excellence while portraying Asher Laub’s technical proficiency and mixing it up with Porter Singer’s exciting contribution to the songwriting process.

“Subtle Pulse” is a perfect introduction to Asher Laub’s music and is highly recommended to people who enjoy pop and neo-classical music. The passion that drives the performance is top-notch, and the overall production brings clarity to the sound and a huge range that makes the vibrancy of the composition amazing.

Learn more about Asher Laub, and check out “Subtle Pulse,” which will be available on all the best digital streaming services from February 10th.

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